Sunday 17 July 2011


It all started on ney years day 2011...
Actually I guess it started a month or two before that when a good friend of mine was having a garage clear out and asked me if I would like his MIG welder.  I foolishly agreed...
Back to new years day - I'd been playing with the MIG for a while and got bored of welding random cr&p together, and decided I needed a proper project.  I was idlying browsing Amazon for books on welding when I happened upon 'the book', also known as the bible by it's disciples:

The book being Chris Gibbs "How to Build a Sportscar on a Budget".  I clicked the buy button, not realising what I was letting myself in for!
For those not in the know, the book is a guide and set of plans on how to build a Lotus 7 style sports car, dubbed the "Haynes Roadster" using a Ford Sierra for the donor vehicle.
Before I knew what was happening I had cleared out my garage and started fabricating a table to build my chassis on.  I'm not sure I ever made the decision to actually build the car, it just sort of happened...
After looking around for Sierras it was clear there were in short supply, also I wasn't that keen on using Ford stuff, so decided an MX5 donor was the way to go.  This was largely down to me owning an MX5 at the time!
Although initially I was going to use my MX5 as the donor, I later relented after several people convinced me it was in far too good condition to break.
It's now July 2011, and I've been working on the project for 6 months or so, so in the next few posts I'll attempt to catch up with where I am now.  My memory isn't so good in my old age, so it might not be entirely accurate.

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